Amazon Vendor Central Tips, Advantages, Disadvantages
Josh: Hey, thanks for joining us today. My name is Josh Ford with Sellers Launch and I'm joined here today by Eric Spaulding from Sellers Launch as well, and uh, we just got together today. We were kind of going through and doing some work on some different accounts so we got to talking about a vendor central and we got into this really good back and forth discussion and I thought, hey, this might be, you know, a good discussion to, to shoot on camera so that we could share it with all you out there who are managing Amazon accounts, looking to grow your Amazon account and some of you sellers out there who maybe you're not on vendor central, you're not sure, uh, what vendor central is all about, what the pros and cons are. So today what we're gonna do is we're going to get into a discussion. We're gonna, kind of let you peek in and see kind of, you know, what are the differences and the pros and cons between vendor central and seller central. So, uh, thanks for joining me today, Eric. Um, I know you prepared some slides and some different things real quick for us to do and share with our audience. So, uh, yeah, what you got in store for us.
Eric: Yeah, yeah, thanks for having me. I would, uh, I would like to just give an overview about, um, the pros and the cons of vendor central. So, um, a lot of sellers start off selling on seller central, um, if they're an established brand and they have prior selling history with the big storefront, then there's a chance that they've been invited by a Amazon seller themselves or an Amazon buyer. So, um, Amazon has reps that will go to trade shows and recruit vendors and these vendors are, I'm giving their product at a discounted price for Amazon to sell them their page. Now that, that has some pros and the cons, the pros. So that is Amazon with any vendor, central account, Amazon gives you what they call Amazon Marketing Services Ams. So ems gives you headline ads, they give you the sponsored ads underneath the product, and then they give you a product displays ads that allow you to advertise underneath your competitors.
It's very helpful as brain registry has developed over the last few years with seller central, you do see some very similar advantages. Um, the differences is not everyone has a trademark and not everyone's able to get their brain registered. So easy shortcut is if you don't want to wait the year for your trademark to register and play the waiting game. If you have a vendor central option, you can hop on board and you can start a like playing with the big boys from day one. So, um, some of the advantages I would like to share my screen. And now before you get into that vendor central is by invite only. Correct Absolutely. That's okay. Yeah. So unfortunately like just because you want to sell on vendor doesn't mean you're going to be able to. Um, but what's weird is a lot of people that have been or central don't understand the opportunity that they have.
Um, so it's a two headed like this, uh, this statement will be really helpful for people that already have vendor central and then people that might have the possibility if you are selling at trade shows or if you have your product placed in physical spots for people to buy in wholesale, then like more, you're more likely to have a, uh, a rep come to you and say, hey, like we really like your mind, we'd love for you to sell it here. Um, so it is invite only, but um, if you have it, there's a lot of things you can do. Okay, cool. Alright, yeah. So, um, go ahead and switch over here. All right, perfect. So you're on. So this is an example of what we call enhanced brand content. So this is just a, it says product description on the top left here. Um, and that means that this is a brand registered enhanced brand content graphics.
So if you have your brain registered, then you are able to put graphics instead of just words on your description, which really helps conversion, um, it keeps your customers involved and that keeps them engaged. And really like you can teach them on how to use the product all within the product page instead of making them write, read and paragraphs. This is huge and this is only available to people that have trademarks right now. Now with vendors central, they have something called, um, enhanced brand content or a plus content, sorry, enhanced brand content for seller central, whereas a plus content is vendor central is version of this and that looks very similar and you've probably seen it when you're shopping around. And the only difference is it says from the manufacturer and the top left, instead of saying product description, I'm in the layout a little bit different when you're designing this, you, you have more freedom with, um, enhanced brand content via seller central. Whereas with vendor central you don't have as many layoffs to pick from, but in a way it's easier. So like they don't give you as much freedom, but it's much simpler to submit. Um, so the, yeah, that's one difference between the two. Um, another.
Josh: Okay. So this, this has vendor central. I'm a plus content right here, right now. I'm just quick question. So, so on seller central when you're doing your EBC, so obviously the seller is responsible for managing that EBC content, right So they're responsible for uploading it and managing it and submitting it, right Sure. So is that the same process on vendor central or like who's, who's in, who's doing the marketing or the a plus content, who's in charge of,
Eric: of doing that Sure. So, um, the, the seller is in charge of doing that. So if it's my vendor central account, I still have to produce all of this. It still has to be my graphics. Amazon's not taking pictures for me and they're not making these infographics, but what they aren't going to do is they are going to send you a, they're going to send your products via email to their customer list. So if you get emails from Amazon that say like, Hey, this product is $5 cheaper than it was yesterday, or I'm going to see notifications about certain specials and if you're enrolled in their program, Amazon marketing services, you're just going to get that for free. Um, along with that, they allow you to add videos to your, uh, to your, uh, your pictures. So, um, I have an example that I want to go to the next screen.
Um, this is an example of if you look over here on your left hand side, you have a, your product images, and on the very bottom you can insert a video. And so if you were to click play then you could see the video play. Um, and this helps tremendously when, when customers are like, ah, this infographic kind of explains how to use something. But if a video like shows a whole three d model of it actually working, um, then, uh, then yeah, it's perfect. Um, so videos are great, um, enhanced brand content such a plus content. That's great. Um, and then you also have the vantage of advertising. So, um, if you've ever typed in a key word, um, and we'll just do, let's see. We're going to type typing candle. So few type one candle. You'll notice that there's headline ads right here. Um, so this you can have with a registered brand via seller central or via Amazon marketing services with vendor central. Um, so this would be a headline in these three ads right here are your sponsored ads. And just to clarify,
Josh: Amazon recently changed headline hands over to what's called sponsored brand ads. So, but they're, they're pretty much the same thing, but if you're a new seller and you're just getting started, you'll see this is, this is now called the sponsored brand a ad. So they're sponsored product ads and then their sponsor brand ad. So this is a sponsored brand or used to be headline.
Eric: Yeah. So you have these two options and then if you click within one of these, um, let's see. Okay. So if you, if you're on your page and you scroll down just a hair on your bottom right hand side, you're going to see an image pop up. And that's what's called a product display ad. So this friend is actually displaying my third competing with yourself on their own page. Whereas like some people, if you are selling a candle and you wanted yours to be noticed by someone that's done really well, you can place yours on their exact asen which allows you to just like headhunter who you want as targeting features of new new thing as well, right Yes. Yeah, yeah. It's unleashed within the last few months. Um, but there's some sellers that are be coming, like really, really good at it. So like if you're selling a candle or if you're selling, um, any physical product, you can always add it to a matching product. So if you sold a candle warmer you can plug that in or if you had matches or a lighter that you would like the candle with, like you can advertise on there. Like there's a lot of different ways that you can cross-sell your products. Um, and it's become a huge advantage.
Josh: Cool. Cool. Nice. Nice. So we gotta kind of given you some bonus tips there even though we're really targeting in on vendor central and some of the positives of that. These are also some additional benefits that, um, if you're a seller central account or I guess that'd be clarify. So is the targeting feature something that's also available on vendor central So it's actually available on both
Eric: platform, right Um, if you don't have a trademark, you can't register your brand. If you can't register your brand, then you can try and get a vendor central accounts, get these, uh, these outlets, which is great. Um, now what, what's kind of a awesome is a lot of vendors that have been selling for years, like if they're a Tang to 15 year old business, more than likely they've been approached by an Amazon vendor at a trade show or anywhere like that where they have their product displayed in these, uh, Amazon, um, Amazon Reps. is that what I'm trying to send you You mean the people who invite you to a vendor or so, so that Amazon has wrapped in these reps are going to come in, look at your product. They liked their product. They're going to invite you to join in vendor central. Now when that happens, a lot of these people just jump on board and they say, okay, yeah, I've heard Amazon is great.
If you guys are going to help me with it, then let's go. Well it's a. it's a fast process in a way to heat your products listed on vendor central, but the problem is is you don't have all the control. So if, if I'm going to buy this microphone and then my cost is $5, then my msrp like I'm going to list it for probably $20. I'm going to hope to sell it for 20. So I'm going to suggest Amazon sells for 20. If I suggest 20, they're going to say, okay, like if you're selling, if you think we should sell this for 20, we're going to buy it from you for 10 years. Wow. I could make $5 on each one made. But then there's also commissioned. So with, with each vendor central agreement, they're going to take a cut of each one sold on top of the agreed amount. So it might be 15 percent, it might be 30 percent. It really depends on what your terms are.
Josh: Okay. So then to kind of clarify, um, you know, the, the pros and the cons, if it just that little narrow part of it, um, so Amazon invites you and then you offer them a certain amount that they can take quite a certain number of units that can take up front and they will try to get it at a certain price. Right, right. And so, so the advantages are that, you know, you could get a good number of units just unloaded all at once, right Correct. Yeah. Um, the disadvantages is that the margin is going to be like really deeply small. Right.
Eric: And then another factor is, is Amazon, like since vendor central is a product of Amazon, Amazon typically rewards themselves over other people. So if you have a vendor, central product, the vendor central most likely going to get the buy box and all times, unless you really undercut them. Now most vendors don't even sell underneath themselves. So like if I have a vendor central account and I've just been selling wholesale for a few years and I don't understand the Amazon fully, more than likely I'd never started a seller central account and competed with myself. Okay. Which I find as the biggest advantage. So these videos and the a plus content, those are all good and fine. But the cool thing is is vendor central is going to establish your products as they want them to do. Well now they are typically only going to buy a case or two of what they think is going to sell out like within that week or two weeks.
So if you are averaging 10 sales a day, they're probably only going to buy 70, like 70 units the next week. Well if you happen to sell 140 that week, like if you're on pace and you sell out of those 70 on day three, well now you have four days until vendor central is going to make another order and then it's going to take a few days for it to be shipped. So you have about a week downtime. Do you or vendor central not making sales, so great thing to do if you have a vendor, central account is created a seller central account and at least lists that those same products at a higher price so you don't compete with them, but when they're out of stock you can sell your own product. So here's an example of what that would look like. Quick question before you get to that, um, you have to go back to the word had the video.
Yep. So, so, so let's say we do that, right So we have a vendor central account. We open up a seller central account so that we can sell on that listing as well. So, so, um, would would the, a plus content and the videos and all that stuff still be displayed or only if they have the buy box. Oh No, there'll be the split at all tied. So, okay. That's the great part is that, that's really good when you upload it. It's almost, I want to say it's 100 percent permanent, but it's, it's there for a good amount of time. I've never had a product, I've never had an the video disappear, so it almost might be worth it. Like you know, if if they invite you and they take an order and let's say the goal is like it doesn't work out long term for them to for them to want to keep reordering, buying from you at a minimum.
Like you get all this great a plus content to optimize the listing. Maybe they don't reorder anymore from you, but now you have the buy box as a seller on seller central and then you still get to keep all this great content. Absolutely. Like one theory if people do try every now and then is if you have a product that you think is going to be really, really good and you have a seller central account and you have a vendor central account and you say, okay, I'm going to give it to vendor central. Just see what happens. Hey, because I want all these advantages and be like, of course I'll sell it to them if it's. If it makes sense. Now a lot of people start at a very high price because it vendor likes you and they liked their products, they take gambles every now and then, so like one account I was working with they just ordered 240 units of a product that never had a sale yet.
So like we had a case of 240 and vendor central said I want one case, one full case. So we sold them 240. Now at that 240, we priced it pretty high. Like the, the units themselves cost about a dollar. We charged a vendor $5 per bottle and they're selling it for $7. Now that's not much margin for them, but they don't know what our cost is. And so they accepted it the first time. Now they haven't made another order and we're okay with that because we want to sell that underneath our own account because we want to make more profit. With that. Now you can juggle both at the same time. So if you make it a good number, like if you. If we were to say, okay, it only costs us, Valerie will sell it to you for $2 and then that allows you to have a $6 range of, you know, from two to $7.
So you have a pretty good profit margin if you're Amazon there. So you're probably going to reorder in your protocol in place our products in front of people that aren't vendor central. Um, so there, there's a few advantages in there. So one way that you can, you can really take full advantage of this is if you sell your inventory to vendor central and if they order 70, right So if they were to 70 this week and you're on pace to sell more than 70 and you're like, yeah, absolutely I'm going to sell this 70, but really on average I want to sell 100 this week so I'm going to have 30 sales of someone's getting the sale for the item. And like if they type in puppy pee pads, you know that customer's going to buy that from someone. But so if ours is listed and ours is active in a good product placement and that was good enough for Amazon to sell out of their inventory, you might as well list yours right there underneath there.
So if you look, Amazon has, there's 4:23, 98 and we're selling ours for 29, 97. Now that's because we don't want to ruin this relationship with vendor central. We want them to keep ordering from this product. But once thereby box goes away. Now we are the ones that the buy box and we get a lot more margin. Yep. Yep. Um, so that's like the biggest advantage there. Now, uh, another point, and maybe you've already kind of alluded to this, but let's say, um, let's say they run out here, I'm like, what if we were priced at that price but we had the buy box, would we still have a decent margin because they're not getting a cut of it or not what you, you will, it's yes and no. So all depends on kind of what your commission rate is with Amazon, like a, with vendor central.
So like for one account they might charge you 15 percent on another account, depending on how you got it, depending on your Amazon Rep that signed you, they might be taking commission off of that. So like I just was working with one account where they're getting charged 28 percent and another comes getting charged 15 percent and they're both vendor central account. So it's not negotiable. Yeah. Yeah. And so that really depends on your profit margin. Now like you know, if it's only 15 percent and yeah, you could probably, you could probably compete with their price now if it's higher than that, you're going to lose money if you try to compete with their price and they know that like, yeah, you know, that's part of the reason they're doing this because it's, you can't undercut them if, if they're getting the charge back. So. But with that being said like you can't undercut them.
Like if the price makes sense, but still kind of a risk because if you undercut them and they're selling, they're buying a lot from you. Like if you undercut them they're going to expect a lower price too. And so like can they renegotiate the price like after the fact so they can, is there a certain term that they have to stick at that Well, if they can suggest a lower price on their next order in, if you agree on that and you stop inventory from your old order is they're going to take that away. So if I have 20 units left and they say hey, we're going to make a new order but we want to buy a $4 instead of $5. I'm like okay, that's not bad for this time. Well there's still going to take $20 from my $1 per unit that's left in inventory because like on this date I agreed that I would sell it for $4. So they're like okay, well thanks. I'm going to keep a dollar for this. Yeah. So it's not like the best scenario if you have stock in there, but at the same time like vendor central increases numbers. So like if you're stuck with a lot of inventory, like it can be well worth it. Right, right. Okay.
Josh: So, so if you look, say you already, you're invited, you're already working with vendor central, you've already gotten inventory selling through them. Um, it does that mean is it only per item yet though So, so is there anything, there's really, there's not really anything that you can do as a seller to say, hey, I'd like you to look at these other items
Eric: you can add. Sorry, you, you can, you can add as many products as you want to your vendor central catalog that now it's Kinda like a store like this. You're the back end of your vendor central account, kind of looks like the back end of your seller central account. However, like on each item that you're scrolling through, Amazon can pick and choose. So they can click the box and say I want to order 50 days. Yep, I'm going to put this box, I want to order 50 days, but the next eight products like we don't want or we might have had in the past and then sell as well. Or we just found another vendor that's selling the same product as you and they're willing to give it to us for a better price. So then competition comes in and says, all right, well Hca, competitor a, they're selling for $4.
Competitor B is selling for $3. Why did I stop getting sales at $4 Well, let's. Because Amazon picked up another brand and they're like, hey, like we don't care if it's your Mug, my mind or anyone's mind. All I want to do is I want to sell them up. Yep. Yep. So that's the thing is Amazon, as long as your product is like the best in a way, like the best of its kind and the price margin, they're going to keep ordering. But if someone beats you out and beat your price, then you're still gonna have the advantage of a plus content and videos and all that. You don't have to have an Amazon, but you don't have to have a product to be bought by Amazon to upload the videos and everything else. Okay. You can upload your whole catalog, upload your videos, upload your a plus content, and then if Amazon wants to pick you up they can, but if they just say like, oh, we don't like this product, or we don't like that product, like you still get the advantages of a Amazon marketing services without having to answer to them.
Okay, okay, so then if you have to be invited by Amazon for them to pick up a specific product like. So does that mean you can even establish or create or set up a vendor central account without an invite First you need a, you need like a certain code from them to get through the first step. Okay, so once you're through that first step, once you have a vendor central account, let's say they've picked up one item from you, does that then give you the green light though too Then you said you can add your whole catalog once you have an account. Now that doesn't mean now Amazon's not going to pick up. They're only gonna pick up some of your items at that point, but let's say they picked up one item. You've got another 10 items on there and you've put a plus content on there and they're in your catalog.
So will those listings then be live on Amazon Dot com So the, they will be alive if you have a seller central account as well. Otherwise you're going to update all the info. It's going to be viewable, but as soon as they currently unavailable. Gotcha. Because, so by having both the seller central vendor central and you can, in a way you can start, you can launch products seller central and then add them to vendor central chip once they start getting sales because Amazon is more prone to pick up something that's hot and something that's called Churchill. Um, so like if they do people, people say that it's hard to get a product picked up from the very get go via vendor central. It's happened. Like it's not about selling on Amazon at all, but a lot of times that's because like the brand is popular or they view it as a good successful brand. So the last item that you picked up sold really well. So we're like, hey, we like you, we're going to order it again, but if you don't have consistent sales with vendor central and you try to launch a brand new product via vendor central, it's going to be a hard uphill battle. But yeah, they like things that are already going well and they just want, want to be part of the ride. Gotcha. Gotcha. Cool. Cool.
Josh: Alright, well, um, was that all she had on the slides for, for right now
Eric: Yeah. Yeah. That's uh, that's really like that. The main highlights that I think are for vendor central, um, it is, it is kind of hard to get into the door for vendor central, but once you're in like, the sky's the limit because even if you're, even if you're accepted for, let's just say pet supplies, but you also sell homey kitchen and you also sell sporting goods. Like you might have to, a lot of times Amazon will a limit you or they will, um, they will make you apply for certain categories. So you will have to be approved if you try and go from to sports, sports and outdoors. But as long as you have like a reason for doing that and you have products that fit, then they're going to accept you. Like it's, it's just they want to follow through and make sure that you're just not selling like focused things. Right.
Josh: Okay. Alright, cool. Well, alright, well then, I mean, I think this has been some, some good stuff. I mean, I hope hope to people if I've got some, some good tips or at least have a better understanding of vendor central. Some of the advantages of having both vendor central and a seller central account. Um, you know, and so there's really nothing is there, you know, other than what you've already alluded to. Um, if somebody is really wanting to get on vendor central, um, there's really not a whole lot they can do themselves rather than just trying to like have a good selling product. So the, uh,
Eric: there's, there's two things, there's one thing you need to do now. There used to be two. Um, so in years past, there was a program called vendor express go, which anyone could apply to, but I don't know if Amazon's, I turned that down completely or if they've just kind of put it on pause, but as of right now, they're not accepting any invites. Okay. So like, or they're not accepting any applications. So like if you can't apply using vendor express, then you have to be invited by vendor central. So, um, yeah, they, they aren't currently accepting the invites right now. Hopefully they will soon. Um, but that's, that's one scenario. Another scenario is if you're really, really gung ho about getting there is um, uh, go to some of the trade shows and display some of your products just like you would to wholesalers because there's so many Amazon reps that are going to Las Vegas for different trade shows and going different places.
Say what the best of the best. So they're going to go through and be like, hey, that's a new item I haven't seen before. And like Amazon reps typically they're willing to take the risk more so than like an independent buyer would because they know that they have Amazon in their back court or they can just add and it's probably going to sell. So obviously I would assume that these reps have the condition or some kind of incentive and that's why they're putting in, that's all. There's not a set commission or there's not a set deal. It's all kind of how, how they work things. And I really think category matters to like the, it's a very niche type category. You're probably on pay more and commissions. Um, but if it's a very broad category, there's more reps, so you're likely to go to payless.
Speaker 2: Gotcha. Gotcha. But that is one thing that I would recommend really diving into is a lot of people just signed the paperwork without really reading it. And then when they start selling they see numbers. Like I made a thousand sales today. I made a thousand sales this week on fender orders. But then like that month goes by and you look at your bottom line and you actually lost money because you sold it, that basically cost and then that 28 percent took $2 away, each one of them you sold. But with that being said, it did generate sales and if they get your product to page one, like because you're selling really, really well, it was just at a loss. So like going forward, you don't want to do that all the time, but within the first two weeks, three weeks of a launch, like it's not the worst thing in the world. Like to lose some money coming up front. Right. But
Josh: okay. So, um, so Amazon wants to take your product. So let's say that they want to do a 250 units. So, uh, what's the, what the, what does the process look like as far as like, do you ship them the units Let's say you don't even have the seller central account and they approach you and you want to get on there. Um, what, what, what's that process look like as far as like getting the product to them Because I'm assuming everything that is Amazon sold by Amazon is naturally going to be prime and it's in their warehouse, right Or
SEric: for the most part. So it, it really depends on the size of the item. So if it's a huge item,
Josh: yeah, because I had a custom client that it custom stuff and they wanted to vendor wanted to sell it. So obviously that's a different scenario because if it's custom made after the order, they can't really keep
Eric: it. It does really depend on the type of vitamin custom items in the past. It's going to take up. So. Gotcha. Especially during the quarter four. So like, you know, October to October to the beginning of January. Um, you're gonna have a harder time shipping, more things just like you are during seller central, the filament centers fill up and like for new sellers especially, there's a limit for you to, for your products that take up. So I'm with vendor central, they're gonna be a little more hesitant to take things that are, you know, above 60 inches. Um, because that's a huge amount of space that they're losing. If isn't, that's not going to sell. So a tip, sometimes they'll make you a drop ship when items have been ordered, so they'll send you the label, you'll print the label, you put it on your box and drop shipping for Amazon and they're paying for the shipping. That's the key part is you don't have to pay for the shipping, um, in being the other way is you would take all 240 units. If they're small, you're going to ship it to an FBA center and then they're gonna cover
Josh: the caustic to the FBA shipment costs to get it there.
Eric: So that's also covered by vendor. So vendor, what's nice is vendors using Amazon's rates and there is so heavily discounted, like sellers get a good discount, but Amazon gets a lot better district. Um, and so you get to use that advantage to. It's like shipping's free. But with that being said, typically I'm like, yeah, temporarily I shipping is free, but the, you just have low lower profit margin. So in a way it kinda evens out.
Josh: Gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah. Well at least it's good that they take over some of those costs. Otherwise it would almost be like impossible. Oh yeah. You know, unless, unless you're just trying to unload some inventory that's just slow selling and you just want to get rid of it. Yeah.
Eric: Well, and I have seen, I've seen some products that basically if they, let's just say it's one of the products that you've come up with a new model each year. So you know, you have the 2016 model. You have in 2017 model. You have in 2018 mile. Well if it's 2018 right now we're about to launch our new product 2019, but we still have 5,000 units of our 2018 edition. We're going to try to sell those out as, as much as we can to vendor. So we're even gonna lower the price because they're always going to send you an email and saying like, even if they're happy with buying this for $5, they're gonna see an email in two weeks. Same. I'd like to buy this for four, nine in like, you don't have to accept it because if you deny it, there's still going to order it $5 more than likely, unless someone that was in your field like agreed to that God's right so, so you don't have to do it
Josh: and as long as there's not somebody else that they can go to is willing to give it to them cheaper. Um, you know, so the, the main advantage or reason for, for me as a seller to want to agree to taking it a lower cost is if I have a major concern because I know there's competitors out there that could undercut me and take that business away. Otherwise there's really, I mean, why would you lower it Exactly. If they're going to continue ordering. I mean,
Eric: right. Yeah. Right. And that's like in a sense, you do have to do your homework, kind of stay on top of it. Because if there are competitors that are like selling at a competitive price to vendor central, even if they aren't vendor central people, that means your niche is becoming more competitive. And so like, you have to do something to stick out whether that's more or make your product better or increased customer experience. Like you as a seller need to be doing more anyways. You have to be proactive, otherwise someone's going to take you like someone's going to take your place for sure. Whether that seller central vendor, central. I mean it's a, it's a fight. Right, right. Gotcha. Gotcha. Alright, well
Josh: this is some good stuff. Um, I mean, do you feel confident that we can just kind of as like a closing summary, give like some quick bullets as to like the pros of vendor central, the cons of India central, just like boom, boom, boom, boom. Like.
Eric: Sure. So I would say those first, I guess. Yeah, the pros would definitely be you can get rid of inventory fast if you have free advertising, which is huge. So I guess it's not free. You do have do paperclips still. So, um, but like, so if someone clicks through your headline ad you are going to get billed that sixty cents that you budgeted for that each clip. Okay. But without vendor central or without a trademark, you can't do that. So that's a huge advantage. There's the headline and the video I think is very underrated. Mike, if you have a product video and then someone doesn't have a product video. I typically always buy products with a video. But as a seller, as a buyer myself, I'm like videos persuading me. Um, so the video advertising on loan inventory. Um, and another good thing is if products have been existing in, been selling on vendor for a few years in, you aren't selling on seller central, more than likely you're going to have over 100 reviews on this product into Amazon, built a perfect foundation for you to, to, to build as, as you want.
So there's so many possibilities you can do with, with a product, with 100 reviews, that's like three and a half stars or above. So if it's a four star products with 100 reviews, you can easily take that product that you're selling to vendor central and say, okay, I have no problem selling this to you for costs because I'm going to make a bundle. And then I want to make a Tupac, Tupac, I'm not gonna offer to you that shit and I'm not going to upload it into vendor central because I can just piggyback on what I've already established with my one path so I can give them a better deal on the Tupac, made some profit on the Tupac, and then vendor central is going to make us money on the one that you. Gotcha. And so that's where I think the biggest goal is. Um, but with that being said, if you're starting today in a vendor central account, that's not possible.
Josh: Okay. So this will kind of be also categorized as an video we can do in the future, which would be about how to like piggyback off that too, to optimize the listing and get more reviews. Um, you know, because I'm sure there's people out there. A big thing everybody wants to know is how can I get more reviews Sure. Um, and this is potentially one way if you get invited in, if you're able to go through this process.
Eric: Yep. Yep. Because, uh, yeah. And when you try to explain more on that a little bit later, but the reviews are huge in Amazon wants their products to sell just as well as you do. Yup. And like they're also going to be sending you emails saying like, we noticed that you are reviewing this so you should find this in like that's all part of the upsells that you get for free as vendor. So. Gotcha.
Josh: Gotcha. Okay. Well cool. Well I appreciate you joining us today. Um, as we kind of our first first episode here, um, you know, we want to hopefully publish content a lot more regularly. Um, you know, so we'd love to get some of your feedback and the comments and you know, if you have any other questions, if there's anything that we really didn't cover or touch on as it relates to vendor central and some of the pros and cons, advantages, disadvantages of vendor central, you know, feel free to, to go to our website, sellers launched outcome and you can contact us there. You can go there to sign up for our email newsletter, will have more resources coming over the coming weeks, coming months again, or you can post in the comments below, but we'd love to get your feedback. We'd love to hear what you thought about this and any tips or ideas for additional content that you'd like us to talk about in the future and we would be happy to do so. So, Eric, I appreciate you diving into this stuff today. Um, I definitely learned some things and I'm sure that the audience did too, so appreciate him in.
Eric: Yeah, yeah. Thanks for having me. I look forward to the next episode.
Josh: Awesome. Awesome. Alright guys, sign it out. We'll talk to you later. Thanks.
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